Fajar Nurdiansyah

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Sometime I Think Life Is Like a Lime

Sometime I Think Life Is Like a Lime

[a witty remarks goes here, or in your comments]

I'd like mornings better if they started later

I’d like mornings better if they started later


That is not a foot and mouth disease infected horse

One of the horse from gatotkaca monument located at the center of road intersection, on the northeast of Ngurah Rai International Airport

I've been good

I’ve been good right?

Another black and white photo that should look good with the blog new theme. If you are reading this on an RSS reader, you really got to check it on the blog. White background just doesn’t give this image the same feeling that I’m aiming for.


Hening di Mengening

I just changed the blog theme yesterday and I think this image will fit nicely with the theme. Whaddayathink?

Btw, I’ve added a nice retweet button up there right next to the title. Feel free to click it ;)

Daun pisang

Using the new Photoshop CS5 you can very quickly 'fix' imperfection in an image. Hover your mouse over the image to see the Before and After version of the image. It may take a while to load and may not appear on RSS reader.

Kalau pernah ke pantai Kuta pasti tau bagaimana ramainya pantai Kuta siang hari. Jadi gimana caranya biar bisa foto-foto di pantai Kuta tapi tanpa turis sama sekali? Biar seolah-olah itu pantai jadi private beach?


Pantai Kuta

Skenario yang mungkin ada 3:

  1. Bayar semua orang buat menyingkir dari pantai. Semuanya. Turisnya, pedagangnya, life guardnya, tukang parkirnya, pokoknya semua orang. Biayanya pasti gede tapi cara ini lazim dilakukan produser film untuk mempersiapkan set film. Resiko: Jatuh Miskin.
  2. Tunggu Hari Raya Nyepi. Tiap Hari Raya Nyepi satu pulau Bali pasti bakalan sepi. Ga bakal ada orang di pantai Kuta. Yang ada cuma pecalang. Resiko: ditangkap pecalang.
  3. Foto malam-malam. Bukan malam biasa tapi malam bulan purnama. Diusahakan terangnya bulan purnama bisa jadi pengganti matahari. Resiko: gelap, pantainya jadi ga keliatan kaya pantai kuta.

Karena skenario pertama ga mungkin dilakukan (miskin), dan yang kedua musti nunggu Nyepi (kelamaan), yang paling memungkinkan tinggal skenario ketiga. Nah ini contoh hasilnya:




Boker bareng


Mau pipis



Grass bokeh

Grass Bokeh Sunset or is it Sunset Bokeh Grass?

This picture was taken with Jpeg Basic Small setting on my camera - the lowest quality setting. I was playing with time-lapse feature the other day and forgot to set it back. When I realize it was on the wrong setting, the sun had already set.

Ken Rockwell the Jpeg shooter will no doubt tell you that it doesn’t matter what the quality setting are. But when you only gonna be there once, you’d want the best quality you can get right?

Moral of the story: “Alway remember that you are forgetful”

Still Waiting

Still Waiting

Ada yang tau jenis anjing di atas apa ga? Kira-kira sama ga dengan Hachiko? Kayanya anjing-anjing jenis ini setia banget menunggu ya.

Belajar Portrait

Model Mayhem Labuan Lalang

Another black and white image for my blog new theme. This one was taken with my new AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D lens. I love the lens. Its sharp, fast, and very light. The only drawback is it won’t autofocus on my camera body.

My Nikon D5000 doesn’t have the built in motor required to turn the focusing screw in this lens. So all my picture with this lens is manually focused. Its not that hard though, theres a built in electronic rangefinder that help you focus. The focus ring also rotate much more longer than my AF-S lenses so getting a precise focus in manual mode is much more easier.

Oh, the portrait model? He was the parking officer in Labuan Lalang, the port to Menjangan. I had a light chat with him while waiting for my friends to sort out out transport.